expand, public program

Expand: Make|Shift Artist Talk

Image credit: Margie Medlin

July 28, 12-1pm

The Breakout at The Mill, 154 Angas St, Kaurna Yarta (enter via the main foyer)

Cost: Free

The Mill invites you to the Make|Shift Artist Talk and mini-doco screening where you can hear from some of the artists about their practice and process. The talk will feature exhibiting artists Ray Harris and Tanya Voges and will be chaired by The Mill’s CEO/Artistic Director Katrina Lazaroff and Visual Arts Curator Adele Sliuzas. Artist James Alberts will also chat about his contribution to the exhibition and will screen his mini-documentary made about the Make|Shift process.

Make|Shift is an immersive and experimental exhibition of projection art as part of Illuminate Adelaide. The exhibition features digital image and projection based work by six South Australian multidisciplinary artists; James Alberts, Ray Harris, Sarah Neville, Liam Somerville, Inneke Taal and Tanya Voges, with Margie Medlin as Artistic & Curatorial Facilitator supported by artistic mentorship from Illuminart’s Cindi Drennan and Tim Gruchy.

The Make|Shift exhibition will be open for viewing across The Mill’s Exhibition Space and Showcase galleries, The Breakout and outdoor spaces. 


Illuminate Adelaide are the presenting partner for Make|Shift.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

Make|Shift and Cinematic Experiments: Projection Techniques and Technologies are presented with support from City of Adelaide.