
Morgan Sette

Morgan Sette is a photographer and creative industry professional based in Adelaide, South Australia.

Photography has been her main gig ever since discovering that shooting bands is a really great way to work in music without being good at guitar, and has since decided to make a career of it. Years later, she still can’t play the guitar but has done some cool stuff working for the likes of WOMADelaide Festival, The Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide Festival, Music SA, Australian Independent Record Labels, The Porch Sessions, YEWTH mag, Arts SA, APRA AMCOS, Five/Four Entertainment, Australian Dance Theatre, OPSM, Adelaide University, CARCLEW, The Mill, Adelaide City Council, Tourism SA, UNESCO City of Music, SALA, Carclew, CityMag, Adelaide Advertiser, The Australian, Broadsheet and countless individuals, businesses, organisations, artists and musicians locally and internationally.