Anthea is a visual artist and inveterate maker. Born in Millicent, now living in Adelaide, her formal qualifications include an Advanced Diploma in Visual and Applied Art, North Adelaide School of Art, a Graduate Diploma in Management (Arts), UniSA and a Graduate Certificate in Art History (Australian Colonial and Modern), University of Adelaide. In 2023, Anthea received the award of a Diploma in Atelier Art, Rob Gutteridge School of Classical Realism, Adelaide (an accredited atelier with the International Art Renewal Centre).
Supplementing her formal studies, she has also attended numerous masterclasses at Adelaide Central School, summer school at the London Academy of Realist Art and life painting with acclaimed contemporary artist Shane Wolf in Yorkshire, UK. After the disappointment of a cancelled three months study at the New York Academy in 2020, Anthea was invited to and will be attending, a one-month residency at Chateaux d’Orqueveaux in France in June 2024.
Anthea has successfully participated in numerous local and interstate art exhibitions and competitions and has had photographs of her works published. While her art training and focus has been on figurative oil painting and drawing, she also enjoys creating with textiles, mixed media, paper and found objects. Anthea is enthralled by the principles, elements and techniques incumbent in developing an artistic piece.